Výzvy na projekty z oblasti klímy, energetiky a mobility
V rámci programu Horizont Európa sú podporované i ekologické, inteligentné a odolné výskumné projekty, ktoré sa týkajú klímy, energetiky a mobility. Ide o:
3 témy v rámci výzvy Cross-sectoral solutions for the climate transition (HORIZON-CL5-2024-D2-02), Klaster 5: Klíma, energetika a mobilita:
- HORIZON-CL5-2024-D2-02-01: Sustainable high-throughput production processes for stable lithium metal anodes for next generation batteries (Batt4EU Partnership) | rozpočet: 8.000.000,00 EUR (IA)
- HORIZON-CL5-2024-D2-01-02: Post-Li-ion technologies and relevant manufacturing techniques for mobility applications | rozpočet: 15.000.000,00 EUR (RIA)
- HORIZON-CL5-2024-D2-01-03: Size & weight reduction of cell and packaging of batteries system, integrating lightweight and functional materials, innovative thermal management and safe and sustainable by design approach | rozpočet: 16.000.000,00 EUR (RIA)
DDL: 05.09.2024, 17:00 hod.
Predpoklad podpory 6 projektov.
13 tém v rámci výzvy Safe, Resilient Transport and Smart Mobility services for passengers and goods (HORIZON-CL5-2024-D6-01) Klaster 5: Klíma, energetika a mobilita:
- HORIZON-CL5-2024-D6-01-02: Scenario-based safety assurance of CCAM and related HMI in a dynamically evolving transport system (CCAM Partnership) | rozpočet: 14.000.000,00 EUR (RIA)
- HORIZON-CL5-2024-D6-01-01: Centralised, reliable, cyber-secure & upgradable in-vehicle electronic control architectures for CCAM connected to the cloud-edge continuum | rozpočet: 12.000.000,00 EUR (RIA)
- HORIZON-CL5-2024-D6-01-03: Orchestration of heterogeneous actors in mixed traffic within the CCAM ecosystem | rozpočet: 12.000.000,00 EUR (IA)
- HORIZON-CL5-2024-D6-01-04: AI for advanced and collective perception and decision making for CCAM applications | rozpočet: 10.000.000,00 EUR (RIA)
- HORIZON-CL5-2024-D6-01-05: Robust Knowledge and Know-How transfer for Key-Deployment Pathways and implementation of the EU-CEM | rozpočet: 4.500.000,00 EUR
- HORIZON-CL5-2024-D6-01-06: Optimising multimodal network and traffic management, harnessing data from infrastructures, mobility of passengers and freight transport | rozpočet: 10.000.000,00 EUR (RIA)
- HORIZON-CL5-2024-D6-01-07: Scaling up logistics innovations supporting freight transport decarbonisation in an affordable way | rozpočet: 20.000.000,00 EUR (IA)
- HORIZON-CL5-2024-D6-01-08: Improved transport infrastructure performance – Innovative digital tools and solutions to monitor and improve the management and operation of transport infrastructure | rozpočet: 15.000.000,00 EUR (IA)
- HORIZON-CL5-2024-D6-01-09: Policies and governance shaping the future transport and mobility systems | rozpočet: 3.000.000,00 EUR (RIA)
- HORIZON-CL5-2024-D6-01-10: Ensuring the safety, resilience and security of waterborne digital systems | rozpočet: 8.500.000,00 EUR (RIA)
- HORIZON-CL5-2024-D6-01-11: Effects of disruptive changes in transport: towards resilient, safe and energy efficient mobility | rozpočet: 7.000.000,00 EUR (RIA)
- HORIZON-CL5-2024-D6-01-12: A new framework to improve traffic safety culture in the EU | rozpočet: 7.000.000,00 EUR (RIA)
- EU Member States/Associated countries research policy cooperation network to accelerate zero-emission road mobility (2ZERO Partnership) | rozpočet: 1.500.000,00 EUR
Predpoklad podpory 22 projektov.
DDL: 05.09.2024, 17:00 hod.
5 tém v rámci výzvy Efficient, sustainable and inclusive energy use (HORIZON-CL5-2024-D4-02) Klaster 5: Klíma, energetika a mobilita:
- HORIZON-CL5-2024-D4-02-01: Industrialisation of sustainable and circular deep renovation workflows (Built4People Partnership) | rozpočet: okolo 8.000.000,00 EUR (IA)
- HORIZON-CL5-2024-D4-02-02: Robotics and other automated solutions for construction, renovation and maintenance in a sustainable built environment (Built4People Partnership) | rozpočet: okolo 4.000.000,00 EUR(RIA)
- HORIZON-CL5-2024-D4-02-03: BIM-based processes and digital twins for facilitating and optimising circular energy renovation | rozpočet: okolo 4.000.000,00 EUR (RIA)
- HORIZON-CL5-2024-D4-02-04: Design for adaptability, re-use and deconstruction of buildings, in line with the principles of circular economy (Built4People Partnership) (rozpočet: okolo 4.000.000,00 EUR (IA)
- HORIZON-CL5-2024-D4-02-05: Digital solutions to foster participative design, planning and management of buildings, neigbourhoods and urban districts (Built4People Partnership) rozpočet: okolo 5.000.000,00 EUR (IA)
Predpoklad podpory okolo 10 projektov.
Predpokladaný rozpočet: 5.000.000, EUR
DDL: 04.02.2025, 17:00 hod.
Detailné podmienky sú uvedené v konkrétnej výzve. Vo všeobecnosti oprávneným žiadateľom je PO (verejný alebo súkromný orgán, vrátane medzinárodných organizácií) so sídlom v jednej z oprávnených krajín:
- členský štát EÚ (vrátane zámorských krajín a území EÚ),
- oprávnená krajina mimo EÚ,
- krajiny EEA (Island, Lichtenštajnsko a Nórsko),
- asociované krajiny (pre každý program sa zoznam pridružených krajín líši) - zoznam je pravidelne aktualizovaný.
Pozn.: aktualizované 15.07.2024